Dr. Levi Kabagambe - Board Member
Dr. Levi Kabagambe Bategeka is a procurement specialist and represents the Hon. Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development on the Board. He is the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee of the Board as well as a member of the Human Resource Committee. Dr. Kabagambe holds a PhD in Business Administration (Global supply management) from the University of Nairobi. He attained Msc. and B.COM Degrees from Makerere University in 2004 and 2000 respectively. He is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply, UK (MCIPS-UK) and also a Certified Procurement Practitioner (CPP) of the Institute of procurement professionals of Uganda (IPPU).
Dr. Kabagambe has previously served as the Chairperson of IPPU for 6 years where he supported the development of procurement capacity in Uganda and the region. He has experience in both institutional and regulatory frameworks of Public sector procurement in Africa. He has previously served as the Quality Assurance Director of Makerere University Business School as well as a member of the Audit Committee of the Private Sector Foundation-Uganda (PSFU). Currently, Dr. Kabagambe is a Senior Faculty at Makerere University Business and Head of Procurement and Supply chain management Department.